A New Approach to Location Data

Public and private institutions around the world have terabytes of rich location data that simply never reach the general population. While much of this data is itself extremely fascinating, analyzing that data has its limits. If you have a coding background and can analyze large JSON files without issue, that's one thing. But what about the millions of others seeking insights on the landmarks, infrastructure and nature around them?

Using Mapbox, we are able to create a data viewer that goes beyond simple points on a map. Websites like Data.gov and statcan.gc.ca host hundreds of massive geodata files that will rarely be accessible to general audiences. Without the tools to load the items on a map, and without the features to allow you to isolate certain points and look up more info on them, getting actual insights from your data becomes a burden.

Fortunately, we are able to convert CSV, JSON, Excel files and more into usable GEOJSON, and we can tailor the map view to accommodate everything from hyperlocal data to global datasets.

As with our other projects, Tapestry Media is focused on creating a superior experience for our users, one that will get people more interested in the data they are seeing.

On top of the user-friendly sidebar menu, we have implemented a search filter that can target any point on a data set. If your geodata contains a lot of text, we can point the search filter towards this text so that you can easily isolate the data you need (check out the map below!)

Please reach out to us if you would like to see what your data would look like in our map view. We can also help you convert those large datasets into usable, clean GEOJSON that can accomodate everything from single locations to plotted lines to 3D polygons.